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Only I... Really! Only Me?

It can't be just me! Can it? I swear there are things I do or things that happen to me that I should keep to myself. And I have, except for those closest and dearest that I share my "Only I would..." stories with. But maybe the time has come to share them with you because I simply can't be the only one.

I have often thought that I should dangle my toe into this ocean of blogging, but the fear of sharks kept me at bay. What would I write about that was of any interest to the wonderful people out there that are already innovated with, well, everything under the sun?

I'm a teacher. I could write about teaching, but I live and breathe first grade from my pores about 60+ hours a week. There has to be something more. I can write about becoming an author and all the valuable lessons I've learned. But I am a novice, such a minnow, in that habitat.

What about being a mom? Yes, most days that is interesting, hard, sometimes pluck-my-grey-hairs-out-one-by-one while receiving a bikini waxing painful, and most days wonderful, but news worthy? I'm also a wife. A lot can be said there. Where to begin?

But, I've come to the realization that if I'm going to blog then I need to start with just myself. For there are days I can't believe I do the things I do or have things happen to me where I shake my head and think, "Only I would.....Really! Only me?

Please tell me...

this can't be so.

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